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Painted Monastery Tour – UNESCO Heritage Voronet Monastery

Private trip To Voronet Monastery

Painted Monastery Tour
UNESCO Heritage Voronet Monastery

Private trip to voronet monastery

Private Tour in Bucovina with Nicolas, your personal guide

You can now check off another item off your travel bucket list, by far the most well-known orthodox settlement in Romania, the Voronet Monastery.

Dubbed as the “Sistine Chapel of the East”, it attracts tens of thousands of tourists from around the world every year, having at least three unique elements that make it one of the highlights of your trip to Romania.

The most impressive aspect of the church’s artwork, both on the inside and on the outside, is the exceptional background color – the famous Voronet blue – the recipe of which has been kept a secret to this day; the only thing we know for certain is that it is based on azurite, a deep blue copper mineral.

Another interesting detail about the Voronet Monastery, if you like Romanian fun facts, is that its particular shade of blue is said to be a representation of the Bucovina sky during wine harvest season. But even if you visit it in a different time of year, you will still fall in love with the remarkable Voronet blue and want to capture its beauty in as many pictures as possible.

Other unique elements featured in the church’s artwork are the folklore motifs introduced in the paintings; for instance, the archangels (one of the 9 orders of angels) are depicted blowing “buciume”, a Romanian instrument similar to the alphorn, traditionally used by Romanian shepherds and mountain dwellers.

Last but not least, as unbelievable as it may sound, the construction works for the Voronet church, built in 1488, were completed in record time, in only 3 months and 3 weeks, which is an impressive feat even in modern times.

There are many other interesting things you will see during this tour of Romania, but some we will let you discover yourself.

We include The Voronet Monastery in the program in multiple forms of booking tours to museums, monasteries or medieval villages, but this must only tell us when and how you have scheduled vacation just to you can suggest and overlap with various events that occur frequently, such as concerts, festivals, plays, fairs and exhibitions itinerant, seasonal discounts, etc..

Painted Monastery Tour
UNESCO Heritage Voronet Monastery

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