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Cozia Monastery Tour – Ancient monasteries tour in Romania

Private Tour to Cozia Monastery

Cozia Monastery Tour
Ancient monasteries tour in Romania

Private trip to cozia monastery

If you catch a tour of the Romanian monasteries and you reach the Cozia Monastery you will understand why thousands of tourists are eager to see it.

Guarded for over 600 years, on one side by the Olt river, on the other by mount Cozia, the fortified walls of this ancient monastery that have protected us from invaders in the past seem to preserve the Garden of Eden, a place of mystery and mythical beauty…

A place where the rulers of the country often retreated to recharge and reflect, the Cozia Monastery was also were the “Cozia Treaty” was signed in 1999 – an agreement between the politicians of the time and the union mineworkers who had gone on strike, unhappy with the low wages.

Si ca o curiozitate despre manastirea Cozia din Romania trebuie mentionat ca a fost subiectul a nu mai putin de 50 de poezii, in care s-a evocat nu doar frumusetea locului, ci si trecutul ei glorios.

Gavriil Preotul, in 1520, spunea despre manastire ca ”avea locuri fara galceava si alese, de pretrecere calugareasca, departe de lume si era plina de toate bunatatile, cu munti mari si cu vai, ingradita si ocolita cu un rau mare si izvoare mari si munte imprejurul ei. Si are toata hrana calugareasca, pomi si livezi si nuci si alti pomi roditori, fara numar, vii si gradini si acolo curge apa pucioasa… am vazut cu ochii nostri acel loc si i-am zis pamantul fagaduintei”.

In 1520, Gavriil the Priest talked about the monastery, saying “it was a place free of quarrels, a place of joy and celebration away from the world, and it was filled with all kinds of dainties, surrounded by mountains and valleys, bound and encircled by a large river, with springs and highlands all around it. And it has all the monastic foods, trees and orchards with walnut trees and a myriad of other fruiters, vineyards and gardens, and brimstone water… we saw this place with our own eyes and we called it the Promised Land”.

Words come up short when trying to describe this reminiscence of the “promised land”, but if you are planning a trip to Romania centered around relaxation and cultural enrichment, this is one attraction you definitely should not miss.

We include The Cozia Monastery in the program in multiple forms of booking tours to museums, monasteries or medieval villages, but this must only tell us when and how you have scheduled vacation just to you can suggest and overlap with various events that occur frequently, such as concerts, festivals, plays, fairs and exhibitions itinerant, seasonal discounts, etc..

Cozia Monastery Tour
Ancient monasteries tour in Romania

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