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UNESCO Tour – Sucevita Painted Monastery Tour in Bucovina

Private Trip to The Sucevita Monastery

Sucevita Painted Monastery Tour in Bucovina

Private trip to the sucevita monastery

Din orice vacanta in Romania in nordul Moldovei, n-ar trebui sa lipseasca Manastirea Sucevita, care, ca si Manastirea Voronet se afla primele sub titlul: CELE MAI FRUMOASE MANASTIRI DIN ROMANIA si chiar din patrimoniul cultural si spiritual mondial.

Si chiar daca nu ai citit pana acum Biblia sau Cartea Cartilor, ei bine, vei avea ocazia sa o intelegi, doar din imaginile biblice si icoanele pictate in exteriorul si in interiorul Manastirii Sucevita.

Practic biserica fortificata a Manastirii Sucevita este ca o carte deschisa pentru toti cei care ii calca pragul si, numai dupa ce o vei vedea, vei intelege si de ce a fost inscrisa imediat pe lista patrimoniului cultural mondial UNESCO.

The Sucevita Monastery was first built in 1582, with a unique architecture that combines Byzantine, Gothic and Moldavian mural art styles. A beautiful legend, based on the traditional belief that true grace and beauty can only be attained through sacrifice, tells the story of the church’s inception: as a way to atone for her sins, a woman spent 30 years carrying the stone blocks needed for the construction in her ox cart.

We include The Sucevita Monastery in the program in multiple forms of booking tours to museums, monasteries or medieval villages, but this must only tell us when and how you have scheduled vacation just to you can suggest and overlap with various events that occur frequently, such as concerts, festivals, plays, fairs and exhibitions itinerant, seasonal discounts, etc..

Sucevita Painted Monastery Tour in Bucovina

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